Site Servicing and Grading Plan, April 2009 |
Webster's Dictionary describes the word corrupt
as, “changed from a sound condition to an unsound one,
spoiled, contaminated, rotten.”
Are we to accept the pessimist's view that man's greed is insatiable
and therefore his nature to corrupt simply as fait accompli.
Thankfully through the ages many have not accepted such defeat and
have fought against oppression, and more recently for the very future
of our Earth
and its environment. But to change the “unsound” to “sound”
again is not an easy task. In Canada the city of Montreal has had
that painful task, one which has travelled with reverberations of
shock and dismay.
Catharines Ontario a smallish city of some 130,000 inhabitants, sits
as a gateway to the Niagara Peninsula. It is home to some of the
incredible natural beauty with the Niagara Escarpment, and faces the
same questions of survival in tough economic times as do many cities
of varying sizes across North America. Change
has become a necessity if decay is to be kept at bay.
Merritton, a residential area of St. Catharines, once a small
township of its own amalgamated into the greater city, long time
residents woke up to an alarming situation in 2008. Severe flooding
had hit homes, flooding basements, making backyards impassable and
torrents of water running down driveways. Immediate complaints to
city offices had been made. Many of the residents had lived in the
area for decades some well into their sixties had been raised locally
and lived their lives here. None had seen any flooding such as this
prior to 2008.

of St. Catharines engineers Mike Wilson and Ron Winterbottom
inspected the flooding, in particular the home of Mr. Leeson where
flooding damage was severe, leaving a hand
written note by Ron Winterbottom City of St. Catharines engineer
which stated “Drainage problem due to developer on Merritt St.”
City of St. Catharines had been made fully aware of the problems that
hit an established neighbourhood. All the complaints made by
residents of Pinecrest Avenue had become a matter of record.
Ron Winterbottom, City Engineer in
his own handwritten note made it clear what residents already knew.
He stated that the drainage problem was due to the development on
Merritt Street, relating to a business that had moved its operation
from its long-time location across the road. Sun Collision had been
located on the opposite side of Merritt Street for a number of
decades. Its owner Sam Demita decided to move the business across
the road to a larger property. This property consisted of a portion
that had been used as a commercial enterprise and a very large
portion that was a natural ravine. Local residents who had played as
children in the ravine had described it as a haven for local wildlife
and a natural watercourse. The ravine stretched eastward hundreds of
feet, approximately 100 feet wide and at depths of 25 to 30 feet,
heavily wooded running parallel to Merritt Street towards the City of
Owner and operator of Sun Collision
decided to fill the ravine and turn it into what he would consider
usable land. Dump trucks began to empty their loads in the dying
weeks of 2007. A number of local residents had recounted how they
heard bulldozers working under flood lights well into the dark of
night. Other than the disturbing sound of machinery after dark
little else changed in this neighbourhood till late February 2008.
snows in February 2008 brought with them a meltdown of a
neighbourhood. Torrents of water not only came rolling down
driveways but also invaded basements and made a section of the local
sidewalk equivalent to a rice paddy field. Floods of complaints to
local authorities from residents brought out an inspection by City of
St. Catharines engineers in early March 2008. As already stated a
hand written note by one engineer confirmed what local residents had
already became very aware of. Yet it was the apparent indifference
to the plight of the residents by the City of St. Catharines that was
most shocking. In
a Notice of Decision dated April 2, 2008 the Committee of Adjustment
issued this statement, “By applying site plan
control measures the site will be considerably improved and will not
have an adverse effect on the neighbourhood.”
Members of a Committee of
Adjustment must visit the respective site which they are considering
to approve applications on. In addition to the site visit
engineering reports are provided and a minor problem such as numerous
residents complaining about flooding would of been hard to ignore, or
at least should of been hard to ignore. Yet the Committee of
Adjustment for the City of St. Catharines had the audacity to state
in writing “will not have an adverse effect on the
Throughout 2008 various residents
of Pinecrest Avenue tried contacting the City of St. Catharines,
others had contacted the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and
Trillium Railway. Each of these responded in a similar fashion, no
care whatsoever. One resident was told by a representative of the
Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority that it was his problem and
he should raise the level of his backyard. At the same time the
dumping and filling also continued.
Finally April 1st 2009
brought an inspection by an Enforcement Officer from the Niagara
Escarpment Commission. As a result of this inspection Niagara
Escarpment Commission Compliance and Enforcement Officer Mathew
Williamson provided in writing April 20th
2009 this statement: “The Niagara Escarpment Commission
shares your concerns of the fill material being deposited without
approvals from the respective agency(s).” Then in June of
2009 photographs of tonnes of asphalt dumped and within days buried.
The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario approved an investigation
which was conducted by the Ministry of the Environment.

Ministry of the Environment
found Sun Collision and its owner Sam Demita in breach of Ontario
Regulation 347. The Environmental Protection Act (EPA) Section 14(1)
prohibits any person from discharging, or causing or permitting the
discharge of a contaminate into the natural environment, where it may
cause adverse effect. Under Ontario Regulation 34, “certain
waste materials, including tires and asphalt cannot be buried or used
as fill (whether or not an adverse effect is proven).
Waste asphalt is regulated as a waste (whether or not it causes
an adverse effect) unless it meets the exemption criteria in Sections
3(2)17 or 3(2)18 of O. Reg. 347.”
According to the official MOE
report dated March 3rd 2010, Sun Collision, the site
owner, was advised to remove tires, concrete with re-bar, asphalt and
tree stumps that were uncovered during the excavation of the test
pits. The report also stated that Sun Collision was required by the
ministry to hire a qualified consultant to undertake a further
assessment and undertake remedial actions if required. Although it
was declared in the final report by MOE that “seven test pits in
the fill deposition were dug at the site using a backhoe and sampled
as directed by the ministry,” the report did not state where on
the property the test pits were dug nor to what depth.

This was a critical question at the
time, and still is. Photographs which showed large amounts of
asphalt in huge chunks on the property were at the very end and were
pushed over the edge by machinery. It was not a small amount of
asphalt but a very large deposit. Also the ravine was in the shallow
points at 25 feet deep to at least 30 feet deep and only later in
2010 was it made public that the test pits were only dug to a depth
of 10 feet. Nothing made sense, in particular as it was the owner of
the property who was “directed by the ministry” to do all of
this. But MOE will say that is the usual procedure in an
'investigation'. Still a clean up was ordered.
Sam Demita began to park damaged
vehicles along the fenced property line running alongside the disused
railway line. Damaged vehicles have a tendency to be in less than
perfect condition and the chances of leakage of hazardous materials
in the least an issue to consider. The Environmental Commissioner of
Ontario thought it was an issue and ordered the MOE to investigate.
The local MOE on the other hand decided they would not. Ontario's
Commissioner for the Environment had this to say, “The
applicants did raise a legitimate concern that can receive too little
attention: vehicles, damaged or not, leak fluids on roadways and
parking lots. Precipitation runoff carries and deposits contaminates
into rivers, streams and lakes. Brake fluid, antifreeze and motor
oil, for instance, and petroleum distillates.” A very strong
observation presented in the 2010/2011 Annual Report Supplement by
the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.

Ministry of the Environment on the
other hand had their own opinion one less logical even somewhat
farcical. In a written statement as a refusal to accept the ECO
request to investigate MOE said, “As a general rule cars leak
fluids at the scene of an accident and such fluids would be subject
to clean-up at the accident scene. As a preventive measure, the
property owner has already been advised to move the damaged vehicles
away from the property line so as to lessen the potential for fluids
to move off site and to clean up any spills detected in a timely
manner.” To anyone who is well conversant with the English
language the contradiction between these two sentences from the MOE
reaches a new level of absurdity.
Generality only has a place in bar
room conversations, reality and specifics are the science of
environmental investigative decisions. An alarming reality is
brought to attention in the report by the Environmental Protection
Agency in the US. It clearly identifies the individual components
for potential environmental adverse affect in relation to damaged or
abandoned vehicles. This report was titled Developing an
Abandoned Vehicle Cleanup Program and the issues are no different
to damaged vehicles in a collision yard, perhaps even more time
sensitive in nature. For those who found it hard to grasp this
decision the EPA even prepared a cute picture.
Sam Demita was
instructed by the MOE to move the damaged vehicles in three separate
and individual communications, this was confirmed by Assistant Deputy
Minister Kevin French. Demita refused to abide by the ministry
instructions and kept the damaged vehicles parked at the fence line
for some two years without any consequence to date.

Sun Collision owner Demita had not
moved any of the damaged vehicles from the property line for over
twelve months after the MOE report of February 2011. It was
difficult to understand how any business, in particular one as small
as Sun Collision could simply ignore a ministerial instruction.
Minister of Environment Jim Bradley was contacted in writing with
dated photographs spanning a period of twelve months showing no
vehicles had been moved. At first Minister Jim Bradley refused to
respond then in the end he instructed the Director for Investigations
and Enforcement Lisa Feldman to act on his behalf. This was
confirmed in writing by Director Lisa Feldman on June 13th
2012. Director Feldman then upon apparent instructions of Minister
Jim Bradley, altered details of the MOE report dated February 16th
2011 which had been copied and presented to the Environmental
Commissioner's Office under MOE file reference ENV1180AC-2011-2 and
EBRO File# 10EBR004.1
Director Lisa Feldman altered an
official report presented as record by the MOE upon the instructions
of the Minister for the Environment Jim Bradley. This was not a
situation to be taken lightly, more so as Minister Jim Bradley
proceeded to instruct a second director of the MOE to alter details
of another official report. Director West Central Region Bill
Bardswick in a letter dated June 21st 2012 confirmed in
writing that he was acting upon instructions of the Minister, Jim
Bradley. Director Bill Bardswick then continued to make statements
which related to an official MOE report copied to the Environmental
Commissioner of Ontario and presented as part of the ECO's annual
report to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Director Bardswick in
fact altered key points of the MOE report originally dated March 3rd
2010 reference number ENV1180AC-2009-100a and EBRO File# 09EBR004.1.
Sun Collision owner Sam Demita
refused to obey official ministerial instructions. The MOE in return
alter details of two official reports filed on record, even presented
at the Ontario Legislature as part of the Environmental
Commissioner's Annual Report, upon the instructions of Minister Jim
To get the ball rolling, 'business
man' Sam Demita filled a natural ravine without any permits, was
caught in breach of the EPA Ontario's Regulation #347 burying
hazardous waste material. All of this occurred from 2008 through to
2012, one would think this was a full dance card. Yet this story
does not end here, fast forward to February 2013 and a new disturbing
twist is added, with an official City of St. Catharines invitation to
an Open House!

Planning and Development Services Department is hosting an Open House
about a proposed Official Plan (The Garden City Plan) Amendment and
Zoning By-Law Amendment for lands located at 88 Merritt Street.”
This proud announcement was
delivered to homes in the affected area with Jessica Button, Planner
of the Planning and Development Services Department for contact.
Proposed for discussion at the Open House were two amendments for the
'subject lands' which are designated Mixed Use and Natural Area by
the City's existing Official Plan, and a more critical point that the
lands are zoned as Environmental Protection Area. Ms. Jessica Button
did not plan to be thrown into the deep end of such a cesspool and
she was out of her depth.
Regardless of what city, town or
village one lives in zoning by-laws are simple, one simply has to
abide by them. If any individual contravenes the zoning by-laws,
whether a commercial enterprise or a private individual, that
individual faces penalties, fines and an order to restore the area
back to its original state. Then one can apply for permits and seek
amendments and so on. Simple laws that all in the city have to obey.
Demita decided to fill a natural ravine running approximately 190
feet in length, 80-90 feet in width and at depths of 25-30 feet,
without any permits. This land was zoned as Environmental Protection
Area which made little difference to Demita's decision process. City
of St. Catharines Mayor, Mayor Brian McMullan was fully aware of the
situation. In fact Mayor Brian McMullan visited the site and
defended Sam Demita in the local press. These were Mayor Brian
McMullan's words in The Standard, April 29th
2010: “Sun Collision met all the requirements of
its council approved site plan agreement when it moved onto the
Merritt St. property.” Niagara this Week on May 12th
2010 wrote: “At Sun Collision, however, McMullan and company didn't
find any serious problems, but he has told the staff to monitor the
The original Site Servicing and
Grading Plan submitted to the City was signed by M. Wilson on April
20th 2009, even though engineer M. Wilson was fully aware
of the situation with the local residents. This plan was also signed
by Mayor Brian McMullan who would of been aware of the serious
problems and the zoning. It is difficult to fathom how the city
could with full intent and purpose permit Sam Demita to break the law
so openly. Mayor Brian McMullan would be fully aware of the
requirements to amend zoning regulations prior to any intended work.
Mayor McMullan would also be aware of the seriousness of such a
breach. Both City Engineering and Planning & Development would
be fully aware of zoning by-laws and their enforcement. Finally
members of the Committee of Adjustment had to physically visit the
site whilst the dumping was in progress, yet they too permitted
Demita to break the law.
As the Niagara this Week reporter
wrote “McMullan and company,” the 'company' also included
two of the Merritton Ward Councillors. Both councillors had numerous
calls from local residents when the flooding hit homes, and neither
councillor had anything to say to either of the reporters in 2010.
Merritton Councillor Jeff Burch had been contacted by Mark Leeson who
had some of the worst damage to his home. Mr. Leeson had even lost
his household insurance due to these problems and made attempts to
get help from his elected city councillors. Councillor Jeff Burch
had this to say to Mr. Leeson as per a signed statement made by Mark
Leeson on July 22nd 2009 and provided to both the ECO and
MOE. “Jeff then told me that they know people in high places
with the City of St. Catharines and this could be difficult.”

What was the intention behind this
statement made by Councillor Jeff Burch? Was this a threat, or was
it a warning? Councillor Burch did not contact Mr. Leeson after this
phone conversation again. Merritton Ward Councillor Jennie Stevens
went a little further than fellow councillor Jeff Burch. Councillor
Jennie Stevens left a telephone answering machine message for Mark
Leeson, in that message Jennie Stevens confirmed that Mayor McMullan
had fixed a by-law fine for Mr. Leeson so he did not have to pay for
it. She also spoke of the drainage ditch being dug in an attempt to
alleviate the flooding, this was in May 2010.
By-law fines once issued cannot be
forgiven, forgotten, nor can they be 'fixed'. It is breach of the
Municipal Act and more. Still Councillor Jennie Stevens was proud
enough that Mayor Brian McMullan had done exactly that and left a
telephone answering machine message to prove it. But then laws seem
to be of little importance here. Sam Demita was able to dump and
fill a ravine without permits or any amendments to zoning by-laws.
Mayor Brian McMullan was aware of it, City staff at two departments
were aware of it, two elected councillors Jeff Burch and Jennie
Stevens were aware of it, and even both of the local newspapers were
aware of the facts and refused to report the facts in their articles.
Both Niagara this Week and The Standard were made aware of Demita's
breach of Ontario Regulation #347, of the illegal dumping without
permits and of the zoning by-laws. Yet both newspapers ignored all
the facts in their articles.
During the Open House of February
26th 2013 two very important issues became clear, other
than the fact that Sam Demita's lawyer had lost control on several
occasions. First of all, Sam Demita showed complete disregard even
contempt for the environmental laws put in place to safeguard the
community. His lawyer tried to argue the dangers of waste asphalt,
and as any lawyer who argues on behalf of his client rather than on
behalf of the truth, found himself forced to back down. In response
to a statement that burying hazardous waste was illegal and
potentially detrimental Demita said, “...what hazardous waste, I
don't understand, you guys cost me a fortune, they found nothing.”
Demita went on to say “I went with O'Hara, I dug 17 feet to
just prove a point, and you know what happened I found two stinking
tires with rims, which were thirty years old, the ministry, the
ministry (here he took out his brown leather wallet waving it
around the conference table) they find pieces like this too, so
basically the ministry, you know why because that gentleman, he know
who that is.” At the end here he turned and glared at me.
In the Niagara this Week article of
May 12th 2010, reporter Alex Somerville wrote, “Demita
showed off the land, which had been a focus point for the community,
where there were 16 holes dug up, about 10 feet deep...” Was
this outburst by Sam Demita at the Open House on February 26th,
simply anger which he could not control, or was it something else?
The second point even more alarming
as it proves that the City of St. Catharines has been fully aware of
breaches of its by-laws and has permitted them to continue. In fact
the City of St. Catharines now has put into place an attempted
mechanism to cover up intentional breaches of the law.
One of the proposed amendments
states “... permit a very limited amount of outdoor storage in
the northwest corner of the site, as an exception to the Mixed Use
policies.” At the Open House the individual who was there to
explain the plans which have been proposed on behalf of Sam Demita
had this to say. “Outside storage is one term used in the
zoning by-law it's really the staging area for Sun Collision, Sun
Collision needs some place to put the vehicles before they're taken
in to the shop to be repaired to be sent on their way, right now they
could put these automobiles that need repairing in the front yard,
they could do that, but I think that's not appropriate.”
No city regardless of its size, or
the size of a business man's wallet (Demita was not waving his brown
one around at this time), can permit the intentional and wilful
breach of its by-laws. Demita's representative made the point clear
that Sam Demita had in fact done so for several years. As the
questions were asked of Steven (the architectural representative)
where were the vehicles placed at this point in time, Demita burst
out with “I put them anywhere right now.”
The Ministry of Environment
instructed Sam Demita in three separate communications to move the
damaged vehicles with their report of February 2011. Assistant
Deputy Minister Kevin French confirmed that fact in writing.
Director of Investigations and Enforcement Lisa Feldman stated in her
written report that the City of St. Catharines had been contacted on
the issue regarding possible planning questions in 2012. Mayor Brian
McMullan, City of St. Catharines Engineering and Planning and
Development Services, City of St. Catharines Merritton Ward
Councillors Jeff Burch and Jennie Stevens, have all been aware of the
breaches of law by Sam Demita.
In the proposed amendments number 2
states “Amend the zoning by-law from Environmental Protection
Area to Commercial Residential, with limited permissions for outdoor
storage...” Sam Demita began to dump into the ravine in late
2007, Mayor Brian McMullan, Councillors Jeff Burch and Jennie
Stevens, City Departments of Engineering, Planning and Development
had all become fully aware of the situation by 2009! The 'rot' is
deep and many questions need answered.
If we as members of our community
do not stand up for the values we teach our children and fight for
our own communities then under no circumstance can we rely on anyone
else to do so. The City of St. Catharines City Solicitor, Planning
and Development Department, and each of the twelve City of St.
Catharines Councillors have been made aware in writing that an
application to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) is being filed on
this mater.
Sam Demita's lawyer at the Open
House said “It is unfortunate we cannot take legal action
against ... the complaints ....” Was this meant as some kind
of warning or threat, one could argue it was possibly a simple loss
of control by a 'legal eagle'. Regardless, there are serious
questions to be answered here and they will be!
Send comments to: demtruth@gmail.com