Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Update: April 5 2011

I had reported the removal of Rick Van Sickle as City Editor at The Standard only days after the March 7th update was posted with the voice recording of Van Sickle. That happened after a meeting with Publisher Judy Bullis and managing editor Andrea Kriluck only some seven days later. Kriluck is supposedly retiring after a long career. A coincidence? Not likely I say! There is one more left at The Standard who has not been mentioned, this one mused that he is glade that he isn't the oldest, in service only I guess, left at The Standard. His arrogance has left him till last, his self inflated ego has made him the cheese course after a stomach numbing feast. It is an individual who jumps on top of the biggest drum at the back of the orchestra during a violin solo to try and prove his subtlety.

Doug Herod has used what he sees as humour and sarcasm to attack many, I guess because his column is at the bottom of a page or maybe because he doesn't exactly report as such on news stories now. Whatever his motivation his tongue has whipped often enough under the guise of 'editorial comment,' I don't know? But you chose to attack me personally even after the election, what was the motivation there Doug Herod? Was it to continue with the destruction of credibility of the message bearer so as to attempt to discredit the message? How much fear is there in the truth? A great deal we now know otherwise our ideals, our values as Canadians would not of been urinated on in such a fashion by a tabloid disguising itself as a newspaper.

Now lets take a small stroll down memory lane Dougie my boy, you'll enjoy this or maybe not. October 26th 2010 you were given the bottom of the front page and you began with the “dud thing” and then “Still I'm betting Alexander Davidoff calls for a recount, something about corruption...” You ended with “Well, until we hear about that potential recount request, that is.” You Doug Herod intentionally insulted and attacked knowing you lied, but hey look where you write after all. You lied why Doug? I had never said a word of counting or recounting, I would not mention such a thing to someone like you nor have you ever had the courage to speak to me in person. Yet even after the election you smear with cowardly insult and intentional LIE! Hey Doug did you look above you and Marlene Bergsma's story, the quote on the counting and machines and all that. Who said that Doug Herod? I persume you can read? Your own Bergsma proves you are a liar, but hey you think you are humorous.

Remember October 15th 2010 your cowardly humour attacked another candidate, again at the bottom of the page. You referred to a candidate as a “clown.” You Doug Herod had no courage to name that man but still again you thought you were humorous. The insult was not called for nor did it have any justification. I sent you an e-mail to challenge your manhood to say what you mean but I had no explanations of a response. Hey Herod was that your response on the bottom of the front page of October 26th?

Yet the most important point is this Doug Herod, the usual inhabitant of the bottom of a page, you were made aware of the corrupt act by Mayor McMullan and Councillor Jennie Stenvens long before all of this. Now that is the more logical explanation for your October 26th bottom rendering. You Doug Herod knew of the corruption and like Bergsma, Downs, Van Sickle, Kriluck and Van Dongen had to continue with destruction of the truth. Two are now gone and that’s not enough. Oh, by the way you spoke of how Andrea Kriluck chose to retire, well Khrushchev also 'chose' retirement. As a journalist, and I use the term very loosely now, how do you justify the intentional lies and obstruction of evidence during an election? But then look who I am asking that question of, the fella who normally fills in the bottom of a page. To you grasshopper Matthew Van Dongen true I said that I left you till last but as there are so many pantheons of journalism at The Standard I could not leave anyone out. Plus it is necessary to present all the facts before the next stage.

Finally, Publisher Judy Bullis. As you may wield the axe remember one thing Publisher Bullis you knew of the actions of liar Bergsma and of the intentional LIE your tabloid published. Yes you did my dear, after all I sent you a letter as I did your boss of bosses Mr. Paladeau. I tried to deal with you in a dignified manner regarding the issue. This is our Canada, our values your tabloid destroyed, so I thought that to have open contact with the publisher was important. Well that bombed didn't it Publisher Judy Bullis? You as publisher was provided with all the details on how Marlene Bergsma lied and that both City Editor Rick Van Sickle (no longer City Editor as you know, you axed him) and the Managing Editor Andrea Kriluck (now has taken the 'Khrushchev' retirement) had to be part of the lie. No reporter whether an ageing fixture or a grasshopper can proceed without Editors being aware of the story, not even Clark Kent was able to do that. As a publisher you were made aware of the horrific facts yet you remained silent. I have now seen how much value you Publisher Judy Bullis and your boss Pierre Karl Paladeau place in our Canada.

So grasshopper Matthew Van Dongen I apologize that I could not leave you as last, you see I had no choice but to include such giants of the journalistic world. Collectively you at this 'newspaper' called The Standard butchered and urinated on the values Canada not only stands for but even sacrifices brave men and women in our uniforms under the Canadian flag on foreign soil. You can truly take pride in who you are.   

Alexander Davidoff
53 Almond Street
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2T 1G2

May 24, 2010

Doug Herod, Columnist
The Standard
12 Queen Street
St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 5G5

Dear Mr. Herod:

I have read many a time your comments and believe that maybe you’re the only one at the Standard who doesn’t obey the 50 Church rule of “thou shall not cross us eh!”

So here it goes. Look at this Blog and Facebook:

On it you will hear an audio recording. This audio recording should leave you at least slightly angry. It has done that to many. Events since the Blog was given birth and public presentation have been alarming. The update explains them as does the letter to Chief Southall.

We still believe in Canada that equality as a principle is not naïve. Somehow when elected public servants are actually caught doing something crooked then we must be willing to ensure consequences of such actions are not put aside. Regardless of how severe those consequences must be. In this case the Law, Municipal Act and Oath of Office have all been sold. The reasons are not important, they are only excuses uttered by the guilty.

So Mr. Herod what will you do now that you are aware of this?

Sincerely yours,

Alexander Davidoff.


So Publisher Judy Bullis can you claim you didn't know about the corrupt act by Mayor McMullan and Councillor Jennie Stevens?  Can you as Publisher hide from the fact that you knew your 'newspaper' published an intentional LIE?  Enough of the hiding from the truth Publisher Judy Bullis.

Alexander Davidoff

53 Almond Street
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2T 1G2

May 30, 2010

Ms. Judith Bullis, Publisher
The Standard
12 Queen Street
St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 5G5

Dear Ms. Bullis:

This is an invitation for you and Matthew to look at this Blog:

mayorgate.blogspot.com & en-gb.facebook.com/people/Alexander-Davidoff

Doug Herod received his on May 24th. On Saturday I was told by several people over the phone that my Blog had mentions on your St. Catharines Standard Website, I didn’t bother to check and confirm.

You did a story about a chicken, a man and a Blog. Herod ‘spent’ dozens of wasted words on the chicken, the man and the Blog. I must say though I agreed with Herod. What I have brought to public attention in the Blog deals with the very core of equality of law and government, with abuse of power and perjury of oath of office. Several thousand flyers, as attached here, are being delivered all over St. Catharines and I shall be at 50 Church Street on Monday prior to the Council Meeting handing out flyers. I will have my handy dandy voice recorder ready in case a comment is made. Every Provincial Opposition Minister of Parliament will receive an e-mail asking their attention to the Blog and the material on it.

There is one and only one question; it is raised on my Facebook page. Does a Mayor and/or a Councillor have the power to plan, discuss, talk about, promise or fix in any terminology a fine once written? The answer is simple and clear NO! The Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada does not permit this! The Oath of Elected Office does not permit this! The Municipal Act does not permit this! The Criminal Code does not permit this! Yet it has been done and now the question. How much more then has been done that is illegal and simply quiet.

Now what will you do about this?


Alexander Davidoff.

Alexander Davidoff
53 Almond Street
St.Catharines, Ontario
L2T 1G2

October 13, 2010

Publisher Bullis,
The Standard
12 Queen Street
St.Catharines, Ontario, L2R 5G5

Dear Ms. Bullis:

I have tried to keep some distance and dignity with some of the actions of your newspaper. I cannot any longer. October 7th report by Bergsma was the proverbial final straw. Her intentional misrepresentative of my words is nothing more than a lie. This is not the first time that Bergsma has done this or your newspaper.

On the night of the Cogeco Forum I did not say at any point that my “main objective in running was to inspire people to get out and vote.” That is a LIE! From the very beginning I made it clear why I was running. I told Bergsma this and recorded my conversation with her, I have no trust in Bergsma at all and now I can prove why. When she spoke to me before the front page of September 11th I told her that mayorgate.blogspot.com was the main reason and the corruption of McMullan and Councillor Stevens. I made that clear. Your newspaper decided to censor the truth and facts for only one reason. Your newspaper has no right to decide what the people of St.Catharines should or should not know. Please understand I am very clear in my actions and responses. Not only did the front page of September 11 come as an insult for all candidates and the process of elections, Bergsma lied there as well. I told her I was doing fundraising and read her little words. She lied!! Yet I have the whole conversation recorded. I presume she records her interviews? The new one of October 7th is an out and out lie. Listen to the video. It was my closing ‘one minute’ and I did not say that my “main objective in running was to inspire..” A damned LIE!, by Bergsma.

Now maybe that is a little understandable she would have been upset by my e-mail of October 1st, a copy here for you. Yet she has no right to lie and claim something as said by me. Bergsma also went further with her act regarding the ‘chicken’ issues - Page 7 in the October 7th issue. Again Bergsma decides to only paraphrase my words to suit her needs, whatever they are. Bergsma wrote “…with Davidoff musing in a mocking fashion that the new downtown arts centre would become a place to exhibit farm animals…” Again that’s not what I said nor my words as per my e-mail to her. A copy is attached. I said in my e-mail, “Now we are planning an Art Centre to attract what, an audience interested in an exhibition of farm animals? No I don’t think so. Humour aside…” When a reporter intentionally misquotes, or turns words around to suit herself that is a LIE! Bergsma lied. But that doesn’t seem to be a problem for her and it has happened here on three separate occasions.

Your newspaper butchered my name and Van Dongen tried to give a lame excuse that did not even sound logical. When he referred to me as “David Alexander” in a story on environmental issues that made me angry. He tried total trash as an excuse. He said that that is the mayoral candidate for Welland and he mixed up my name. Since when did Van Dongen, a St.Catharines reporter write on an issue in Welland? Van Dongen does cover Regional issues in the St.Catharines Standard. He does not cover mayoral running in Welland! Enough!!! Do you think I have a reason to believe a word out of his mouth? Somehow it is hard to do so. It was an insult and a public one with a little retraction that no one would give a damn about. Now Bergsma lied and attributed words to me I did not say, and secondly only those she found useful for her purpose. When do you in the press only intentionally use partial quotes and even then paraphrase them you lie! Bergsma lied!

I expect again you’ll walk away from responsibility and tell Kriluck to respond. I expect no less as when I left that message over the Van Dongen insult. This time tell her to put it in writing if you even bother. Understand Bergsma lied and whatever I can do about it I shall. It isn’t only because I am a candidate and what you have done damages a public’s perception of me. It is a lie and I won’t stand by idly. You attributed a lie to my name. Bergsma should have taken a page from Van Dongen and butchered my name and see if the mayoral candidate from Welland would like it. If you quote me either do so in fact and my words or do not at all! Do not paraphrase and lie and then attribute that to me. At the end of your chicken story of page 7 you ask for views from the public, I’ll be watching them. Your newspaper has committed not one but four reprehensible acts, maybe one could be blamed to an inability to handle the English language. Enough is enough!

A further addition to the Standard’s censorship of the facts regarding the corruption and fixing of a lawful by-law fine. The mother of the councillor, Councillor Jennie Stevens of Merritton Ward, who left the telephone answering machine message, who herself is a candidate for Regional Council in the City of St.Catharines has sent 20 letters of threat, harassment and bullying to businesses that advertised in a newsletter that published the issues on mayorgate.blogspot.com. Mrs. Pat Lindal decided the truth would be too damaging for her corrupt councillor daughter to be re-elected. So she decided to threaten, harass and bully innocent people. No advertiser has the right to influence content. Mrs. Lindal as a candidate for Regional Council decided to act as a criminal. Yet this is the same individual who is asking for the community to trust her and vote for her. An individual who would have to take an oath to serve all equally and fairly. Mrs. Lindal on October 7th was served with a letter of intent by the publisher of the newsletter WINNERS CIRCLE for legal action. Advertisers who received the letters of threat, harassment and bullying have had phone calls from male and female voices who did not identify themselves, in a similar vein as the letters of harassment and even more intense as a threat.

I had contacted the Minister of Municipal Affairs as his ministry administers the Municipal Elections Act. After meeting with a representative of the ministry I was advised to take legal action and to inform the local police.

Corruption only breeds corruption. Lies bring forth more lies. When a newspaper censors facts and truth for their own purpose then laws mean less. But then you won’t want to print this either. The fact that a Regional Candidate for the City of St.Catharines has threatened, bullied and harassed those same people she pretends to be ready to serve won’t be news to you. You will censor this too and I expect no less. After all the reason behind Mrs. Lindal’s attack and harassment is corruption and how uncomfortable the truth is.

Events now have unrolled that give me no choice but to bring legal action against Marlene Bergsma, the St.Catharines Standard, you, senior editor and city editor. Marlene Bergsma is a liar! Now I have the legal proof. The issues I have outlined earlier in the letter pale before this. Bergsma lied! Bergsma knew she lied! Bergsma had thousands of copies of her lie distributed! Bergsma has been on mayorgate.blogspot.com. Bergsma has seen everything on there without a doubt. This is what she wrote, had published in The Standard and distributed in the thousands (I believe you claim at least 20,000 true?). I quote… “The unemployed Merritton environmentalist is campaigning on an allegation that city hall is corrupt because a neighbour’s fine for failing to shovel a snowy walk was reversed when the neighbour was able to offer a satisfactory explanation to city staff and promised to shovel his sidewalk in the future.” BERGSMA IS A LIAR! BERGSMA LIED INTENTIONALLY! Everything is on the blog and Bergsma lied!

First of all I have not said city hall is corrupt, there are many employees in there that have nothing to do with this. Bergsma lied! I have said and continue to do so that Mayor McMullan is corrupt and Merritton Ward Councillor Jennie Stevens is corrupt. Bergsma lied! The individual who had his lawful by-law fine fixed by McMullan and Stevens is not my neighbour, he lives on Pinecrest Ave. and I on Almond St. Bergsma lied! The fine was not reversed by city staff. Mr. Leeson went to Cuba it snowed, he wasn’t there, the city shovelled his sidewalk. On his return he had a fine under By-law 2008-315. He called public works and tried to explain, he was told by city staff that as he knew he would be away from his home for a period he should of organised for someone to shovel his sidewalk. City staff told him the fine stood as is and he had to pay. Bergama lied! Mr. Leeson then called Councillor Stevens and the result was the telephone answering machine message that she spoke with the mayor and the fine was fixed, that he doesn’t have to pay for it and should put it aside. Councillor Stevens’ voice is on the blog and full transcript of the conversation. Bergsma lied! Mr. Leeson who has read Bergsma’s lies has made it clear he never made any promises to anyone to shovel anything and was angry that Bergsma makes it sound like he said things he never had. Bergsma lied! Bergsma has intentionally committed liable against me and it is in print. Bergsma lied! Bergsma has intentionally said now that I have lied and the facts with full evidence even the recorded answering machine message by Councillor Stevens prove otherwise. Before Bergsma did her Sept. 11. 2010 Macfest she called me. I recorded our conversation. Under no circumstances do I trust her. So before she attempts to lied again warn her I have our conversation recorded. In that conversation she asks me my main reason for running. I mention some points and state that mayorgate.blogspot.com had made it imperative. She claimed she was away for a little and didn’t know anything about the blog and that she would have to look into it. Bergsma knew all the facts to the issue of the fixing of a lawful fine by Councillor Jennie Stevens and Mayor McMullan. Bergsma on Oct. 14th lied!

Bergsma and all of you: Bullis, Kriluck, VanSickle have not only kept the truth from the public at the time of an election and I know why eh! Bergsma and you three are equally responsible here, she intentionally lied to the public. You three and Bergsma are in fact in a conspiracy to influence the result of the election for McMullan. My solicitors now are going to look at two things. First that Bergsma lied, that has been proven without a doubt, Bergsma lied to discredit me. You don’t need me to paint this anymore. Second the lie by Bergsma was intended to influence the voting public at the time of an election. Bergsma lied, intended to lie and will now swallow the consequences of her lie. The Standard and all three of you in your positions will face the consequences as well.

For months I have fought for the truth. Your Standard made sure that the truth was kept from the public. Your VanDogen even e-mailed me, oh that was a beauty. Bergsma lied and that is a new twist. Nothing will stop me from the action being prepared now.

The blog has been updated with these words as a headline: Marlene Bergsma Standard Staff has LIED! Oct. 14th 2010 article… A copy of my letter to you will also be included. Everywhere I go I will have a copy of this article and will say publicly that Marlene Bergsma is a liar. She will face the consequences.

In Canada no newspaper has the right to intentionally lie to influence an election. No newspaper or reporter has the right to lie in order to discredit a candidate. Bergsma lied before this and has several times since the Sept. 11th front page.


Alexander Davidoff.

CC: Mr. Pierre K. Pelladeau, CEO - Quebecor

Send comments to: demtruth@gmail.com

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