Once again Earth Day is upon us with its usual one day hoopla. Famous faces get together for the cameras and just like on New Years Eve resolutions are made, only to be broken and forgotten. It seems that if we give something its own day then we feel that a level of achievement has been reached. Well a quick flip of the calendar to May 1st and it's Save the Rhino Day. A day for thinkers, minor politicians, activists and others to sit around and talk a great deal about the horrific slaughter of this majestic beast.
publicity around Earth Day has grown over the years to an extreme
level. People from each corner of the globe seem to know of it and
find all kinds of events arranged for April 22nd. School
children are herded together into collective projects, local
municipal politicians praise their recycling efforts and media play
the theme of Mother Earth for a day. As April 23rd dawns
all is forgotten, packed away for another year, well except the
obvious talents of little Johnny and little Mary, that stays on the
fridge for at least a week.
planet Earth is extremely important and its conservation, its
protection, cannot be ignored. Yet this wondrous planet does not
float in the galaxy barren, unlike so many others it sustains life to
billions of varying residents. Earth has its residents, the most
intelligent and most dangerous of all is man. Although it is man who
can help to preserve the Earth and his fellow neighbours who share
the ground he lives on, the air he breathes and the water that
sustains all life.
humanity we carry an absolute and undeniable responsibility to
preserve life. We have seen through the years one species after
another reach the brink of extinction, and then finally pass into
oblivion. How much longer can we ignore the fact that man is the
only species that kills for pleasure, kills for sport, and kills for
we face the prospect of another creature being herded towards the
brink of extinction. For now there is little time on our side to
stem the tide of destruction, though it would take humanity as a
collective to achieve such a goal. The killing fields are in Kruger
National Park, South Africa. The target is the rhino, not for food
or pelt, but only for its horn. This incredible beast which can
exceed 3500 kilograms (7700 lb), with a length of head and body at
3.5 to 4.6 metres (11-15 ft), and a shoulder height at 1.8 to 2
metres (5.9 – 6.8 ft), is being slaughtered in alarming numbers.
The killers are vicious gangs incapable of understanding the impact
of the slaughter, and bred to be incapable to care.
one time in the early twentieth century rhino
population throughout African and Asia was estimated at some 500,000.
Today that is no longer the case with the Western Black Rhino
declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN). According to the IUCN two other subspecies of rhino
are facing the same prospect, Africa's Northern White Rhino and
Asia's Javan Rhino. Yet it is not the depletion of natural habitat
that is putting the rhino
at risk, it is man, it is illegal poaching.
Stuart, chair of the IUCN species survival commission said in a
statement, “In the case of the western black rhino and the
northern white rhino the situation could have had very different
results if the suggested conservation measures had been implemented.”
(Western Black Rhino declared extinct, Matthew Knight, CNN, November
6, 2013). Many, including the
IUCN, point to the success in the conservation of the Southern White
Rhino subspecies which
saw numbers drop to less than 100 in the late nineteenth century.
Today the Southern White Rhino subspecies is estimated at 20,000,
conservation works and
there is proof of that. Now the rhino
faces a more dangerous enemy. South Africa is home to 83% of
Africa's rhinos
and 73% of all wild rhinos
worldwide (statistics from savetherhino.org).
At the same time it is also the bloodiest killing field, with much
of the killing taking place in South Africa's Kruger National Park.
to government statistics the figures of slaughtered rhinos
has been increasing alarmingly,
particularly between 2012 and 2013. In 2007 there were only 13
killed for their horns, 2012 saw that number climb to 668 and now
2013 has been the very worst year with the death toll climbing to
1,004. Tom Milliken from Traffic International told BBC news, “the
experts tell me we are not quite yet at the tipping point but we are
very close to it. If this kind attrition is sustained for much
longer we are definitely going to see South Africa's rhinos go into
decline for the first time in a hundred years.” (Worst year ever
for SA rhino poaching, Matt McGrath, Environment Correspondent BBC
News, January 17, 2014).
White Rhino was one of the greatest conservation efforts, with many
patting themselves on their backs, and rightfully so. It showed what
man is capable of, instead of dealing out death, man saved a creature
from extinction. Still those conservationists did not face a vicious
animal with a high-powered gun fuelled by greed. Today the White
Rhino faces a greater challenge.
slaughter is generated by a higher demand for the rhino
horn, particularly from Vietnam and China. Here the horn is thought
to have medicinal benefits and an aphrodisiac. Maybe Viagra should
be introduced in this part of the world, and the rhino
left alone. It is this demand, frivolous and insane as it sounds,
that puts a black market price of up to $65,000 per kilogram for the
rhino horn, making it more
expensive than gold or even cocaine.
response has been to promote the dehorning of the rhino,
believing that poachers will not kill a rhino
that is hornless. Dehorning is a medical procedure and has been
conducted first in Namibia and in Zimbabwe Lowveld. This process
removes some 90% of the rhino
horn leaving a stub whilst the animal is sedated. In Zimbabwe's Save
Valley Conservancy, six newly dehorned rhinos
were killed from January to August of 2011, one was killed within 24
hours and another within five days of being dehorned.
the debate on dehorning continues. Regardless of whether one
considers the dangers of sedation to the animal or the fact that the
horn grows back, or listen to the statistics of how dehorned rhinos
have a better chance of survival, the real point is missed. Why
should a natural state of an animal be altered as protection against
men and their greed? The rhino
horn is there for a reason and it is used by the rhino
in its daily life. Why should there be a need to hack off such a
definitive feature?
put aside another suggestion is to legalise the rhino
horn trade. Duan Biggs, research fellow at the Centre for Excellence
for Environmental Decisions at Australia's University of Queensland
told IPS: “The trade ban is creating a situation where rhinos
are being killed unnecessarily. It's taking resources away from
other conservation efforts, and is leading to the situation where
there's a pseudo war taking place in the Kruger National Park.”
(Would a legal rhino horn trade stem poaching?, Brendon Bosworth for
IPS, Guardian Environmental Network, April 18, 2013).
South African government is preparing a proposal for the 2016
Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES) to open up the rhino
horn trade. Michael't Sas-Rolfes, an independent conservation
economist who researches the trade in illegal
rhino horn told IPS, “The idea is to cut (illegal
traders) out of the market. They are dealing in a lot of other
products. If it becomes unattractive to them they'll simply switch
to something else.” (Would a legal rhino horn trade stem poaching?,
Brendan Bosworth for IPS, April 18, 2013).
An analogy that is used by the
proponents of legal rhino horn trade is the benefit of the
establishment of legal and sustainable crocodile ranching rather than
the slaughter of wild crocodiles. Mary Rice, executive director of
the Environmental Investigation Agency, provides a more alarming
example. Illegal ivory sales in China has risen even though China
bought, legally, stockpiles of ivory from Botswana, South Africa,
Namibia and Zimbabwe in 2008. According to a report by the
Environmental Investigation Agency some 90% of ivory that enters the
market in China is illegal. Mary Rice told IPS, “Legal ivory is
now more expensive that illegal ivory, and what you have is the
biggest upsurge in poaching since the (1989) ban (on international
ivory trade).” (Would a legal rhino horn trade stem poaching?,
Brendan Bosworth for IPS, April 18, 2013). The Chinese
government bought the ivory stockpiles for $157 per kilogram, selling
it for up to $1500 per kilogram, and ivory products retailing for up
to $7000.
To further fuel the insanity of the
debate over how to protect the rhino from slaughter, the African
nation of Namibia and the Dallas (Texas) Safari Club decided to
auction off a permit to hunt an endangered African Black Rhino. This
permit sold for a cool $350,000 with the executive director of the
Safari Club defending the auction claiming that the money raised will
go toward protecting the species, less of course the one that will be
killed. Better questions hang unanswered, even not asked, how much
of a commission did the Dallas Safari Club get, how much did they
charge for the privilege to be part of the auction and how much will
members of the Namibian government distribute as commissions?
Finally, how will this blood money, and no one can deny that
physically in the end that is exactly what it is with the death of a
rhino by bullet, be used in the protection of the species?
First of all this is not the first
time a permit such as this has been auctioned by the Namibian
government. Namibia's government offers five such permits every
year, with a previous record price being $223,000, although it is the
first time that the auction was held outside of the country. Jeffrey
Flocken, North American regional director of the Massachusetts based
IFAW said, “This is, in fact, making a spectacle of killing an
endangered species.” (Permit to hunt endangered African black rhino
sells for $35,000, AP, January 12, 2014).
On the opposite side of the scale
comes a massive donation of over $23 million to help in the war to
protect the rhino by the son of billionaire investor Warren Buffet,
59 year old Howard Buffet. The donation is to enable authorities to
buy a helicopter, vehicles, and high-tech equipment to be used in
Kruger's National Park. This high-tech equipment will be similar to
what the US uses to patrol the Mexican border, with sensors on fences
to detect anyone jumping over them, and tethered balloons. Tethered
balloons carry infrared cameras that scan the ground for intruders.
Buffet told Associated Press, “we're going to do it at a scale
that hasn't been done before. This is very much like our drug war.”
($23 Million for Rhinos: Howard Buffet`s Mega Gift to Help Stop
Poaching, John Platt, AP, March 2014 for Takepart).
Without hesitation it is a war, a
war to save creatures hunted down and slaughtered for greed and the
satisfaction man has felt through the ages in the hunt. China and
Vietnam fuel the insatiable demand for the rhino horn. Traditional
Chinese medicine uses it as a major component, and today it has
become an ingredient for a detoxifying party drug. The saddest
reality of all is that the rhino horn is made of keratin, the same as
fingernails on humans and it has no medicinal qualities at all!
Still the demand grows, and the war
continues. Amongst the political rhetoric and excuses there are
individuals who risk a great deal to protect the rhino, and other
creatures like the elephant. These men walk the bushlands ready to
go head to head with poachers. Each day they patrol with rangers
putting their lives on the line. Men like Chris Palmer, Stephen Long
of Bhejane Trust, Damien Mander Founder and CEO of International Anti-Poaching Foundation and Nicholas Duncan President of SAVE African Rhino Foundation, know the realities first hand.
![]() |
Photograph by Chris Palmer of Stephen Long catching a break. |
was able to contact Stephen Long of the Bhejane Trust, who was out in
the bushland on patrol, to ask about the realities at 'ground zero'.
As Save the Rhino Day approaches with the activists,
conservationists, politicians and general thinkers gathering
together, Long's words should echo the hallways. Steven Long of
Bhejan Trust told Mayorgate:
“Why bother to preserve rhino? As far as I can see, whatever reasons you put forward, you eventually come back to either the ethical (what right do we have to wipe out a species?) or the 'grandchildren' (we must preserve them on behalf of our grandchildren) arguments. They don't sound hard-headed or practical but they are really just about all we've got. In the Zimbabwe context a powerful and related argument for rhino is that they are great preservers of the wilderness and other animals. We often think of it the other way around - we need wilderness to keep the rhino but here there are a number of wilderness areas that would probably be gone without the rhino.
“Why bother to preserve rhino? As far as I can see, whatever reasons you put forward, you eventually come back to either the ethical (what right do we have to wipe out a species?) or the 'grandchildren' (we must preserve them on behalf of our grandchildren) arguments. They don't sound hard-headed or practical but they are really just about all we've got. In the Zimbabwe context a powerful and related argument for rhino is that they are great preservers of the wilderness and other animals. We often think of it the other way around - we need wilderness to keep the rhino but here there are a number of wilderness areas that would probably be gone without the rhino.
our land reform (we won't get into discussion of that one
or I'd be typing for weeks) most white-owned land with wildlife on it
was taken and it is an established fact that the animals were mostly
killed and the land use has often changed to small-scale 'peasant'
farming with no room for wildlife. That did not happen where rhino
were present. The contrast between the Gwayi and Save Valley
conservancies is an excellent example. Both were largely white-owned,
Gwayi had few or no rhino and was all taken, Save has many rhino and
has been left alone - even to the extent of settlers linked to the
ruling party being chased away when they tried to take over without
permission. The rhino and their high international profile are
responsible for that. On the same lines, we are currently facing
a major elephant poaching problem and are having some success in
containing it. This is down to the training, equipment, alertness of
rangers on the ground and good intelligence networks that started out
aimed almost exclusively at preserving rhino but now conserves
elephants just as well.
the rhino are an internationally recognisable flagship species, and
thanks to them, everything else that lives around them is better
preserved. Whether or not that's a good thing goes straight back to
the ethical and grandchildren arguments but for me it makes them more
powerful - we might look away while one species goes but it becomes
more difficult when whole ecosystems are at risk. To sum up -
preserving rhino is part of preserving the wild - and that's worth
then, how do we conserve them? The 'make them valuable' argument
divorces rhino from their habitat and just makes them a commodity -
it would work better if they were farmed rather than kept in the wild
and I see that as a completely different discussion. There can't be
much doubt that we could preserve caged rhino for ever - and farm
their horns but what would be the point? That certainly isn't what
I'm interested in. For me, conserving rhino is a part of conserving
natural habitats and although there is certainly a role for small
fenced conservancies as rhino 'fortresses' it can't be the only plan.
anti-poaching/'military' option is the high profile one that brings
in the donor funds but I am not a believer. I honestly don't think
the military option can work so long as the rewards for the poachers
and smugglers are huge and there is poverty and corruption
to make poaching worthwhile, whatever the risk. South Africa has the
best resources in Africa for anti-poaching but it is not winning -
and the rest of us have even less chance. If we rely entirely on
anti-poaching we will eventually lose the fight. That's not to say
anti-poaching is useless - without the rangers out in the bush day
after day we would have lost the fight long ago. We must just be
careful not to put all our reliance on anti-poaching and be seduced
by the tough guy image of men festooned in guns and camouflage
creeping around out in the bush pretending to be Action Man. Don't
get me wrong - I work with brave, dedicated, skillful rangers every
day and they are fantastic at what they do. The white guys who just
like posing with guns can be a pain but they have their role as well
(donors love them). Ultimately though, black or white, trained and
dedicated or not, they can't win.
only solution I can see is to hold the fort with anti-poaching in
Africa but meanwhile attack the problem at its source - the market in
Asia. I'm not in any way an expert on that but I'm told that
statistics show markets for rhino horn increase as nations become
more affluent, then shrink as affluence and education increase
further. That is apparently what happened with Japan and Taiwan and
is starting to happen with China - but Thailand and Burma are waiting
in the wings. How you put pressure on the Chinese consumer and their
government is a question I can't even begin to answer but it is
certainly the central question in rhino conservation.”
The future of our Earth does not
rest on the willingness to conserve our resources, turn off some
lights for an hour, demonstrate about fracking or fight the
pipelines. Though all of these individual efforts are important, our
future and that of Earth must include all the inhabitants who share
our wondrous planet. We as humanity have a responsibility in what
can be considered a more enlightened millennium to preserve other
species who are our neighbours.
Stephen Long, Chris Palmer and others struggle both in words and
sweat to save the rhino from extinction, a general groundswell around
the world is being fueled through the use of imagery of the majesty
of this creature. News media have provided photographs of rhinos in
agony with their horns hacked off. Artists have used all forms of
medium to portray the rhino in its natural habitat. Whether you want
to listen to Stephen Long or not, his point on concentrating efforts
at the source of the demand for the rhino horn cannot be ignored.
Artist Alexandra Davidoff, using a simple pencil, provides an image
of the rhino as it is entangled in the very language of the dominant
species on earth. This image was part of an exhibition held in New
Delhi, India, March 7th
to 9th 2014 by an organisation called
Animal. Images such as these widen public opinion against the
slaughter and can bring greater pressure on those who provide the
demand and reason for the existence of illegal poachers.
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Alexandra Davidoff's rhino drawing at the Animal "Species" exhibition in New Delhi, India. |
Earth Day will pass within its
flitting 24 hours and be packed away until the next April 22nd,
yet the struggle to keep a species from being declared extinct and
lost forever does not end.
Send comments to: demtruth@gmail.com