Freedom and democracy have been ideals man has fought for for centuries. For us in Canada the actions of the individual in Tunisia are unthinkable, in Canada democracy and its freedom of speech, of worship and the right to choose the government to represent us is long gone taken for granted. Brave men and women have sacrificed their lives in Syria, Egypt and Libya for an ideal that men have the right of choice and of speech without fear. We as Canadians have sent our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters and our fathers and mothers in uniform to bring that ideal of freedom and democracy to foreign lands. Some have sadly paid the ultimate price for that ideal to have their blood soaking the sands. It is only the families of the fallen brave that understand the reason for such sacrifice.
Democracy only survives on the basic ideal of freedom. It is the freedom to speak without fear of persecution, to worship without threat. It is the freedom to choose those who ask for our trust in government. It is the freedom to demand equality of law and justice without discrimination. And it is the freedom of information without oppressive censorship.
Andrea Kriluck as managing editor of The Standard was at the helm of that tabloid when her reporter Marlene Bergsma lied about evidence of corruption by Mayor Brian McMullan and Councillor Jennie Stevens. When reporter Peter Downs repeated that lie once again Andrea Kriluck was at the helm, when city editor (now dumped by Kriluck and publisher Judy Bullis only days after the Mayorgate Blog made his phone call public) Rick Van Sickle permitted the lie by Bergsma and by Downs to be printed, and then called to cry like a coward about “fathers” on the phone. Andrea Kriluck was at the helm of The Standard during the intentional censorship of the facts surrounding the corrupt act by Mayor Brian McMullan and Councillor Jennie Stevens. Andrea Kriluck was at the helm as the Niagara Regional Police distorted and tampered with the evidence. The actions of The Standard were designed not only to censor the truth, not only to lie about the facts, but to influence directly the outcome of an election. Andrea Kriluck was at the helm of The Standard as managing editor through all of this.
Now Andrea Kriluck has left The Standard, as had city editor Rick Van Sickle although his departure more of a dumping, Andrea Kriluck was given the 'Khrushchev' retirement. As a parting gift Andrea Kriluck left us these words of wisdom as an editorial on Friday April 29 2011. Its heading was 'Take part in democracy and cast your vote Monday' and Andrea Kriluck wrote: “Yes, voting is our democratic right, but it is also a privilege that some people take for granted.” Words that are not befitting even a tabloid such as The Standard and without hesitation words that have no place at the hand of Andrea Kriluck.
In her editorial she speaks of people who have paid with their lives in a struggle for democracy. “The bravery of people struggling to be free,” are these really your words Andrea Kriluck? What did you do with democracy? What did your reporters Marlene Bergsma and Peter Downs do with democracy? These words from your hand only soil the memory of those brave people who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for an ideal that The Standard at your control as managing editor mangled and spat on. The people had a democratic right to know the facts yet you decided to censor evidence and remove that democratic right.
In a democracy we trust the press (well to some degree at least) to present the truth and not distort facts for any reason. Censorship is unacceptable to most Canadians, when that censorship is of the truth. As Canadians we do not have to set ourselves on fire, we do not have to stand in front of tanks for our freedom, for our democratic right. Yet sadly so many of us have become complacent with what our natural rights and freedoms are. True for a moment when we see the images on our televisions or in our newspapers of the struggles and sacrifice of those brave enough to fight for what we take for granted, we stop and think. That moment is short and to some degree understandable.
As Canadians we believe that there is a system in place; laws, checks and balances that safeguard our rights, our freedoms, our democracy. The oppressive violence by authorities during the G20 Summit of 2010 shocked not only Canadians from coast to coast but many from all around the world. A basic freedom of speech, of assembly was stomped on violently during the G20 Summit of 2010 in Toronto. Justice, although slowly, is moving to ensure such a horror can not be repeated. Under no circumstances do Canadians think that an election can be influenced or fixed. It has been here in St.Catharines and that is not only the concern for the locals it is of dramatic concern for all Canadians, for all who value the basic ideal of democracy. The local press censored the facts, and when that didn't work than those at the helm lied and distributed the lie to damage the evidence and the credibility of the one fighting for the truth. A regional police force, the largest regional police force in the province, intentionally distorts and tampers with the evidence. Police officers intentionally lie on official documents without consequence. All for one purpose. An elected minister of the Provincial Government responsible for the enforcement of the Elections Act, fully aware of the corrupt act, only folds his arms and sits back.
Not in Canada you think? YES this happened here in our Canada. In the dawn of any movement for democracy some of the loudest voices come from the institutions of learning. Who can forget the images of the brave soul standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square in China? Democracy has claimed many sacrifices even in the early days of our new millennium. Tiananmen Square China, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, the list grows as the blood flows.
We in Canada do not have to sacrifice our lives to fight for or protect our democratic rights and freedoms. Though some bruises and bone chilling fear was required in Toronto during the G20 Summit of 2010. So I don't expect the students of Brock University here in St.Catharines to stand in front of a Smart Car let alone a tank for their democratic freedoms. But I do ask you Professor David Siegel, Professor of Political Science, Director of the Niagara Community Observatory at Brock University, and all round political pundit and political commentator to explain your actions. I guess you would be thought of as a member of the 'intelligentsia'. The vocal chords of struggles for democracy come in the early stage from centres of learning. There is a thirst for discussion, of discovery that often ignites the fires for freedom. China and Tiananmen Square was an example. You teach Political Science Professor Siegel, what is it that you teach? How to drive the Smart Car? I challenged you to face me in front of your students but you ignored that.
On September 11 2010 you Professor Siegel, professor of political science was quoted, “Unless they've made a major misstep during this term in office, incumbents have the advantage and McMullan hasn't had major gaffes.” You gave McMullan the “halo effect” and I wrote you several days later. I set out all the events of the corrupt act by McMullan, you ignored my letter. At the Brock candidates' session you chaired the event and stayed clear. Yet throughout the campaign you extolled the virtues of a corrupt mayor, Brian McMullan. How far has this gone? It began with a corrupt act by Mayor McMullan and Councillor Stevens. The local press imposed intentional censorship on the facts, when that proved insufficient the same newspaper then printed lies. The largest regional police force then attempted to damage the credibility of the evidence and of the individual fighting for the truth. Niagara Regional Police in fact lied on official police documents of record. On October 26 2010 the one who committed the corrupt act was able to publicly say that there was no foundation for the truth and the tabloid printed those words. How far was it necessary to go to destroy the basis of democracy? As a professor of political science how do you defend your role in this?
The aftermath of the G20 Summit in Toronto has brought horror stories of abuse of by police. Democracy was shaken to its foundation and scenes reminiscent of a banana republic with police in uniform losing control. Images that come to public light bring horror that this was possible in Canada. Toronto Police Chief Blair sees nothing overly wrong and says that his police were overwhelmed. Premier McGuinty blames the Prime Minister for the whole mess. Yet a voice rings loud for the rights of free people, the rights that we take for granted guaranteed under our Charter and Human Rights Code. Professor David McNally, Professor of Political Science at York University stands up against the police, against Toronto Police Chief Blair.
Political Science examines and teaches man's maturity into the ability to govern himself. The essence of democracy is the freedom of speech, freedom of choice of representation, and freedom of information. Censorship , interference in a lawful election unacceptable under any terms. Your silence and ignorance of the facts Professor Siegel shows a dangerous path here in St.Catharines. I expect your silence to continue Professor Siegel.
Censorship is an enemy to democracy. The right of the people to know the facts is an integral part of the freedom of choice and freedom of speech. You Mike Williscraft of Niagara this Week brag and back slap yourself on page 7 of Thursday May 26 2011. Your ego is a giant I dare think. Your words Mike Williscraft, “ deliver what we believe is a newspaper worthy of the communities we serve...” Oh my you show how you deliver when you censor news and facts from the community. Your reporter Forsyth did a story on April 6 2011 regarding the big pipe in Wainfleet being abandoned. I sent a letter with all information to Managing Editor K. Nadeau (copy attached) informing a Ministry of Environment investigation of a property in Wainfleet, heck I even included a copy of the MOE confirmation of the investigation.
Censorship is an enemy of democracy, yes I have already said this, yet it's worth repeating in relation to your act Mike Williscraft. You and your team decided to withhold the facts from a community. You decided to censor the truth. Was it for their collected greater good, or simply because of who brought you the news eh? Your words again Williscraft, “....yes, sometimes our editorial team feels crushed by the weight we put on ourselves to deliver what we...” Your ego radiated with great energy on Thursday May 26 2011 Mike Williscraft, more possibly than any windmill yet the facts are simply and less palatable. You and your team censored facts, you and your team censored news from a community.
Censorship is an enemy of democracy.
Alexander Davidoff
53 Almond Street
St.Catharines, ON
L2T 1G2
September 16, 2010
Professor David Siegel
Brock University
500 Glenridge Avenue
St.Catharines, ON
L2S 3A1
Dear Professor Siegel:
I am writing as a response to your comments as published in the Standard September 11 2010 by Marlene Bergsma. You gave McMullan the credit of the “halo effect” and said that “Brian hasn’t made any major blunders.” These were your words as quoted by Bergsma. You are a Brock University Political Science professor? I assume that ethics, political integrity and corruption are issues that warrant some attention even comment to you? As a professor in the science of politics you are aware of the Municipal Act and the Charter of Rights? Maybe even have an opinion or two on code of conduct and the right of the public in a democratic government to have some form, some avenue for recourse when issues arise regarding conduct of our elected public servants. Have you seen or bothered to look at
No mayor or councillor has the legal authority to fix, forgive, pardon or get rid of any fine after it was issued and due process attempted. Here you have the voice of Councillor Jennie Stevens leaving a telephone answering machine message to an individual that she spoke with Mayor McMullan and that the mayor had taken care of the fine and he didn’t have to pay it. Back to the beginning, Mark had gone for some six weeks to Cuba it snowed and he wasn’t there. City cleaned his sidewalk and under that by-law he was fined. He came back and tried to explain to Public Works he was told as he knew he was going to be away he should have arranged for someone to take care of his sidewalk. The fine stood as is. He called Councillor Stevens and the result was her telephone answering machine message. A further meeting with Mayor McMullan at the local Legion confirmed this face to face.
Now you are welcome to peruse the Municipal Act and the Charter of Rights. I have read both. I have had comment even from a former mayor, not to mention lawyers and businessmen. I have spoken to a friend who is a Toronto Councillor who made it clear if this happened there and unfolded in such a manner both would be removed. But here McMullan has a strangle hold on the truth. Williscraft in a lengthy conversation with Mark, which was recorded, never denied that it was illegal. He never denied that it was in contravention of the Municipal Act or the Charter of Rights, nor did he deny it was perjury of Oath of Office. No Williscraft called it “after all it is only a small thing.” Corruption was considered only a small thing! The Standard well just look at the Macfest you were a part of. Truth is not only inconvenient but downright dangerous.
It wasn’t enough that the press were put under control so the people of St.Catharines do not have a chance to hear the truth and make their own decisions, but we have the mama of Councillor Stevens sending bullying and threatening letters to advertisers in a local newsletter that printed a transcript of little Jennie Stevens and her answering machine message. Little Councillor Jennie Stevens’ mama Pat Lindal who is asking for people’s
trust that as a Regional Councillor she will enforce her oath of office equally without bias, now is bullying innocent people. You do know professor that an advertiser has no authority or right over content? I know this after years in advertising, oh I know what Marlene wrote about me but heck Marlene and I have not seen eye to eye on important issues for a long time.
So as a professor of the science of politics I guess corruption is not considered a major blunder? Having mama bully and threaten is a part of a democratic society I guess. Soon enough little Councillor Jennie Stevens will face the truth and her own voice, then what. All the attempts to ‘put a lid on it’ by McMullan will fail. I have the opportunity to make this very public, and at the right time. I wonder what will McMullan’s handlers or spin doctors do then, or Marlene.
Corruption my dear professor is unacceptable on any level. A lie by a government is unacceptable on any point. The rest have been games played by the corrupt. Truth more than inconvenient, in fact it is very dangerous. Will you reply? I won’t hold my breath for that.
Alexander Davidoff.
P.S: You have a copy of a letter sent by Pat Lindal to innocent small business advertisers. As a bully and thug she threatens those who without any connection go about their business. This same individual, this thug and coward dares to ask as a candidate for the people’s vote! Now listen to her on this disk. This coward attacked me and my children as we delivered the newsletter. I recorded her! You are a professor, what do you say to the ethics of politics, as Professor of political science! Listen to her, “unsubstantiated dribble.” Listen to Councillor Stevens on the blog! Understand this, I have already made contact with Minister Bartolucci and provided all details and proof. No bully or thug will be permitted to go to the public and ask for their vote. No bully or thug will in any way dishonour the core, the foundation of our democratic society. Mrs. Pat Lindal is not fit for public office and she soon will understand what the law and legal process means. Every effort has been made to silence the truth. I will not be silenced. I will make all of this public.
I repeat I don’t expect or wait for a response from you. Dare you or not!
Alexander Davidoff.